Land lease

Land lease

Another mainstay through land leasing!

Leasing of agricultural land:

There is no question that the energy transition is necessary for all of us in view of climate change. With agri-photovoltaics, you can not only actively contribute to this, but also benefit from it. Secure additional rental income without any additional effort while continuing to manage your agricultural land. Weather and climate-related yield fluctuations in agriculture are balanced out or cushioned by agri-photovoltaics. The first point of contact for the usage contract is the land owner, usually the farmer. However, the farmer plays a central role as the manager when it comes to proving the use of the agricultural land.

Almost all agricultural land is suitable for the use of agri-photovoltaics - pasture/livestock, green spaces, arable land and areas for growing fruit, berries and wine: Use your land to build solar systems. By implementing agri-photovoltaic systems, you help to defuse land use conflicts, increase biodiversity in the area under the solar modules and thus improve soil quality. The partial shading of the PV modules reduces the evaporation rate of the area. This is of increasing importance, especially in light of climate change. With a lease agreement for at least 20 years, you benefit from guaranteed compensation for use without having to invest yourself. All other services are provided by AgriPV-Solutions. This means that we take care of everything from project development to construction to commissioning of the system. The risk lies entirely with us.

We are interested in areas of approximately one hectare or more in Germany, regardless of whether it is arable land, grassland, livestock farming or special crops such as fruit, berries or wine.

  • Äpfel, Akzeptanz, Anlagendesign, aufgeständerte Unterkonstruktion, Bewirtschaf-tung, Direktvermarktung, doppelte Landnutzung, Dürreschäden, Eigenstromver-brauch, Energiewende, Ertragsprognose, Flächendruck, Flächeneffizienz, Folienüber-dachung, Frostschäden, Genehmigungsprozesse, Hagelschäden, Hagelschutznetze, intensive Ackerkulturen, Klimawandel, Landschaftsästhetik, Landschaftsattraktivität, Landschaftsschutz, landwirtschaftliche Hauptnutzung, Lichtverfügbarkeit, Marktfähig-keit, Naturschutz, Fotosynthese, Pilotanlagen, privilegierte Vorhaben, ressourceneffi-ziente Landnutzung, Semitransparent, Sonnenbrand, Starkregen, Strombörse, Syner-getische Integration, Tracker, Wassermanagement, Wasserverfügbarkeit, zusätzliche Solarstromproduktion, zusätzliches Einkommen, EEG-Förderung, Ertragssteigerungen, Beeren, Wein, Gemüse, Modulbreite, Bilanzkreis, Ackerkulturen, Gesamtproduktivität, anzulegender Wert, dienende Funktion, Netzbetreiber, Ernteausfälle, zusätzliche Ein-kommensquelle, Reihenabstand, gartenbauliche, Kulturen, Sonderkulturen, lichte Hö-he, überragendes öffentliches, Interesse, Rammung, Erzeugungsprognose, Über-schusseinspeisung, Marktpreis, Neigungswinkel, Wechselrichter, Fernsteuerbarkeit, Bodenversiegelung, fixe Einspeisevergütung, Marktprämie, Flächendruck, PV, Photo-voltaik, Solar, PV-Anlage, Photovoltaik-Anlage, Photovoltaik Anlage, AgriPV, AgriPV, Agrar-PV, Agrar-PV, Agrar-Photovoltaik, Agrar Photovoltaik, Module, Unterkonstrukti-on, Landwirtschaft, Land, grün, Bauern, Obstanbau, Obst, Energie, erneuerbare Ener-gie, PV, Carports, Tracker, geführt, statisch, Deutschland, PV-Firma, PV Firma, Agrar, Pflanzenkultur, Himbeere, Wein, Obst, Apfel
  • Your individual overall concept:

    AgriPV-Solutions relies on tailor-made solutions when drafting contracts, on the one hand with regard to leasing, and on the other hand with regard to management. We support you with all questions relating to grid access or preliminary building permit applications (application for preliminary building permits) in order to clarify whether the project can be implemented as planned. Together with you, we develop an overall concept that aims to either pay you, as the land owner and manager, an attractive rent or to give you an additional share in the economic, annual success of the electricity yields. The focus is on aspects such as the suitability of the land - which locations/areas are particularly suitable for the construction of an agri-photovoltaic system - and the development of a tailor-made agricultural use concept with owners and managers. We are also your contact for open spaces for animal husbandry. According to DIN SPEC 91434, at least 85% of agricultural land must be used and requirements such as the fencing of properties for chicken farms must be met. We also take care of the yield assessment/forecast and the concept of possible additional yields in sunny, dry years.

    The usage contract usually has a term of 20 years according to the EEG. Due to the long lifespan of agri-photovoltaic systems, AgriPV-Solutions GmbH is aiming to extend the lease agreement (plus an optional 2x five years).

    Do you have a project idea or have you already secured a space? Then contact us. We will be happy to help you personally.

    Leave us your contact details

    and we will contact you.



    Telephone: 49 (0) 151 17158946

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    Advantages and reasons for Agri-PV with AgriPV-Solution:

    • Fair design of lease and management contracts, cooperation on an equal footing and opportunities for participation for owners and farmers
    • Fixed lease payments for at least 20 years
    • Optimal use of operating areas
    • Additional benefits in crop production through the assumption of protective functions by the agri-photovoltaic solution, e.g. protection against hail, rain, frost and sun
    • All services from the network request to obtaining a positive preliminary building permit from a single source and in close coordination with you
    Advantages of agri-photovoltaics

    Model of cooperation

    Parameter Owner/Farmer AgriPV-Solutions
    Agricultural area
    Ongoing operation facility
    To use Lease payment Electricity yield
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